Serving with GOHOP
In the fall of 2023 I came on part time staff with the Greater Ontario House of Prayer (GOHOP). We are an urban prayer ministry, inspired by the monastic tradition and part of the 24/7 Prayer movement.
If you would like to support this work financially, you can donate here.
Use the form below to subscribe to my ministry newsletter which I send out bi-monthly.

Jesus is the love and the obsession of my life. I believe that the greatest gift I can give the world is my transforming self. As a member of this urban monastic community committed to prayer and worship, creativity, justice, mission, hospitality, and learning, I will be best able to give myself for the sake of the world.
My vision is to see darkness banished, people healed and set free, and imaginations ignited for God’s invading kingdom of life. I want to see faith that is dry come alive in fresh and exciting ways as people experience creative prayer and learn embodied ways of interacting with God. I also want to see people who do not yet claim Christ as Lord draw near to him through creativity and encounter the Good News.
My Role
At gohop, I am able to serve out my giftings and I will both plug into existing ministries and start new initiatives! Because my core giftings are connected to creativity this will help bring focus.
My Plan:
To equip the church to draw near to God and grow in our discipleship through creativity, imagination and the arts, through workshops, retreats, and more.
To reach those who don’t yet know Jesus through these same things brought into settings where they will be present.
I will also be serving in the ministries already happening through the Greater Ontario House of Prayer, such as:
Co-leading Asah: Art and Prayer monthly group which I co-started over a year ago.
Help support Friday night prayer and worship, a GOHOP adjacent ministry which is a collaboration with YWAM Hamilton and Burn 24/7.
Helping create beautiful prayer stations for our annual 24/7 prayer room.
Create art and liturgies to lead people in prayer.
Helping with our annual outreach – such as prayer and worship in the park.
Helping catalyze people for prayer at my local church, a sister 24/7 community.